Resources for Private Schools Across Oklahoma

OSF partners with 65+ PreK-12 member schools across Oklahoma. To view a complete list, click here.

Member Portal

Log in to the member school portal to access your scholarship funds, review applications, locate fundraising support materials and much more.

Become a Member School

Donors receive tax credits for their contributions, and OSF partner schools also receive multiple benefits — including increased financial aid for new students, increased school enrollment and diversity, and improved educational programs. The best part? There’s no upfront cost to the school! When you become a member school, OSF will:

Navigate state compliance requirements, annual audits and legislative reporting on behalf of member schools

Offer scholarship and donor management via robust online platform


Provide fundraising support and statewide exposure



Member School Requirements
  • Be accredited by the State Board of Education or an accrediting association within the Oklahoma Private School Accreditation Commission
  • Be in compliance with all applicable health and safety laws and codes
  • Have a stated policy against discrimination in admissions on the basis of race, color, national origin or disability
  • Ensure academic accountability to parents and guardians of students through regular progress reports
Next Steps to Become a Member School

If you meet the requirements listed above, you can become a member school by completing these steps:

1. Create an account via the member school portal

2. OSF will communicate with you regarding next steps

2a. Upload the following documents:

  • A copy of your school’s certificate of state accreditation
  • A signed copy of our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
  • A copy of your school board’s resolution indicating they’ve read the MOU and approve participation in OSF as a member school

2b. Participate in a 20-minute Zoom with your board, vested stakeholders and OSF

3. After completing the above steps, your school will receive a personalized landing page with secure credentials to access OSF’s robust online management system and fundraising support

“Christian Heritage Academy became a member school to expand its capacity to provide tuition scholarships. During the 2013-14 school year, 33 students received tuition scholarships. Thanks to the help of OSF, Christian Heritage Academy awarded tuition scholarships to 158 students in the 2021-22 school year!”

Darcel Small, Director of Admissions, Christian Heritage Academy

frequently asked questions

Can my school use these funds for operating expenses?

All donated funds must be applied to a student’s tuition and fees in the form of a scholarship.

When do schools receive scholarship money and how much time do we have to use the funds?

OSF issues scholarships on a monthly basis. The month of December is designated for donations only. No scholarships will be issued at this time. OSF’s ability to grant scholarships to your school’s applicants depends largely on how much money has been contributed to OSF for your school’s benefit.

Your school has two years from the date the funds arrive to use the scholarships. The good news is that any funds not used by your school will go towards students who are currently waiting to attend a school that is best for them.

What is the maximum scholarship amount a student may receive?

If funds are available, the student may receive a maximum of $8,000 or 80% of the statewide annual average per pupil expenditures as determined by the National Center for Education Statistics, whichever is greater, to cover all or part of a qualified school’s tuition, fees, and transportation costs.

Additionally, qualified schools serving eligible special educational needs students can receive up to $25,000 annually.

What is the best way to raise funds?

Promoting your school’s involvement with OSF is the best way to raise funds. The more you promote OSF, the more money you’re likely to raise and the more scholarships you’ll be able to grant. This will increase financial aid, boost school enrollment and diversity and improve educational programs.

Am I a qualified school to serve special needs students?

If a school serves a child that has documented needs — be it through the family service plan of SoonerStart, a public school-issued IEP or a professional diagnosis — that student qualifies for up to $25,000 in scholarships. This allows schools to hire the right staff, offer specialty classes, and charge fees that are unique to that student and not part of normal tuition.

For example: If a child with dyslexia enrolls at your school, you could provide services to that child and 10 other children if you hired a specialist. Each child would qualify for the $25,000, which would easily cover staff salary, training, special tools, etc.

Click here to view the Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act (amended SB1080) from the original SB445 and see highlighted excerpts for specific details regarding special needs students and scholarships.